WINTER IS HERE... So many of us dread the colder months and need to know how our legendary ELFs stay motivated when its below zero....
We train in the rain, gale force winds, ice and snow we're ready to go. Let's flip that dread to excitement with some top tips:

CLOTHING: There's no bad weather it's just bad clothes. Wrap up warm, grippy gloves, headband or hat, layers, you can feel toasty and warm in the big freeze if you dress right, kids included!

BITE SIZE CHUNKS: aim for 1 or 2 sessions a week, see if you can set a routine that works for you. You can always add more sessions if you feel like you want to.
PREP AND SHOP: lay your kit out the night before ready to jump into, anything to save time. Enjoy buying some new cozy bits of winter kit.
IT DOESNT TAKE warm up, just keep on moving. You'll arrive in your favourite duvet coat and leave in a vest steaming all over.
EARLY RISER OR NIGHT OWL: Why not try out different classes at different times, some people love a morning blast, others prefer an evening pick me up before bed. Find your groove and what works for you, you're more likely to stick to it if you find your favourite time of day to exercise..

FOCUS ON THE FINISH: you're favourite hot drink, a warm shower, that epic buzz after a good workout that sets you up for the day. No matter how hard it is to get out of the door, you never regret a workout it's always worth it in the end.
BUDDY UP: tell your friend to meet you at camp, encourage each other to commit. You could even organise a catch up over a coffee after if you have time. Classes aren't just about exercise, they're so much more than that. They're about friendship, community and support.
EMBRACE: an early night, hot drink and book in bed, such a treat in amongst our busy lives. An early night means you'll have plenty of rest for the early morning wake up, or plenty of energy and recovery for an evening session. Sleep is just as important if not more important than nutrition. We love sleep!

THE BIGGER THE CHALLENGE the bigger the feeling of achievement. If you can work out in snow, wind, hail you can do anything, you can climb Everest, abseil the hoover dam, you can conquer the world ELFs!
DE-ICER: is our best friend, we could probably do a review on the best and worst brands of de-icer, that's the levels of excitement we have right now...and coffee, hot coffee.

LOOK UP: we are so lucky to see every sunrise and sunset, the gorgeous snowy skies in winter, the twinkly shooting stars and the fluffy cotton wool clouds, it makes our day that little bit extra magical before the rest of the world wakes up.

Training out when it’s icy and cold is a dream compared to the wet, so don’t be put off gang!! There is no such thing as bad weather just bad choice in clothing! Em and Sam will have Amy’s sweating no matter what the weather is doing ⛄️ 🌧 🌬 🧊 ⛈
There’s nothing better than exerciseto warm my cold toes and fingers!